Current Scenario and Needs for the Development of an Inclusive Digital Agriculture Program for Latin America and the Caribbean

This paper explores the possibilities for strengthening agriculture, in particular small agriculture, often represented by family farming, with the use of digital technologies. Within the framework of an initiative of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), the Forum of the Americas for Agricultural Research and Technological Development (FORAGRO),with its secretariat at the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), and the Confederation of Family Producer Organizations of the Expanded Mercosur (COPROFAM), in collaboration with international partners AgGateway and Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), the approach of putting small-scale producers at the center of digital solution design has been adopted, called “inclusive digital agriculture” (IDA).
This document is divided into three sections. The first section explores the topic of Digital Agriculture, from secondary sources, with an emphasis on inclusion. The second is an analysis of a regional survey that was conducted within the framework of the project on the basic uses of digital technologies by small producers. In the last section, conclusions and recommendations are proposed in relation to the next phases of the project.