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Forum of the Americas for Agricultural Research and Technology Development

Steering Committee

President of FORAGRO

Mariano Garmendia

President of PROCISUR and of INTA, Argentina

Vice President of FORAGRO

Fernando López

Secretario de Gestión, Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores Familiares del Mercosur (COPROFAM), Uruguay



Representative of academic institutions

Olman Quirós

Universidad de Costa Rica

Representatives of regional cooperation mechanisms on RDI

Steven Kappes


Mariano Garmendia


Ansari Hosein

Executive Director Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI)

Representative of civil society

Rodolfo González

Alianza por la Soberanía Alimentaria de los Pueblos de América Latina y Caribe

Representative of extension systems and Rural Advisory Services

María Auxiliadora Briones


Representatives of the productive systems

Claude Browne

Team Fresh Produce Cooperative

René León Gómez


Fernando López


Organizations of RDI promotion

Arnulfo Gutiérrez


Discussion forums related to RDI

Hidegard Lingnau


Intergovernmental organizations (political bodies)

Lucrecia Rodríguez


Rrepresentative of IICA

Manuel Otero

Director General of IICA



Executive Secretariat

Viviana Palmieri

Innovation specialist, IICA

Other participants:

Director General of CATIE

Muhammad Ibrahim


Technical Advisory Group of FORAGRO

Cecilia Gianoni

Executive Secretary of PROCISUR

Jean Charles Le Vallee

Executive Secretary of PROCINORTE





Eugenia Saini

Executive Secretary of FONTAGRO

Martha Escalante

Executive Secretary of Red INNOVAGRO